Since the entire system is web-based, the data called "SESSION" is updated periodically and ensures optimal system performance, for effortless recognition of users and rapid confirmation of data security.

Data Security:
All sensitive and personal information collected from users is stored to the highest electronic and physical security standards, and is used within the framework of the existing Turkish laws and international laws with a system that can only be accessed by authorized personnel and only under the user's consent in case of necessity. Our company undertakes not to disclose personal and sensitive information collected from users under no name, for no reason, before any addressee without any user consent, and not to share such information with third parties and not to misuse it and under no circumstances.

Data Sharing:
Our company reserves the right to analyze and interpret general user information other than the personal information mentioned above and to share it with distinguished business partners, in order to make the services it offers more efficient and to keep the customer satisfaction at the highest level . In addition, if users give their consent, this information can be assessed by our company and its partners and used for product updates, discount announcements and special offers.

Guarantee of Secure Shopping:
Our company is protected with the most advanced security systems and provides 100% security for both our company and shopping customers. It is impossible to access your personal information, credit card information or other sensitive data, including by third parties or even employees of our company.